Today is Robert Pattinson’s 24th birthday. All around the world today people are celebrating. Over on the main Eyes of Amber blog we’re celebrating by talking about how Rob came into our lives. We’ve asked readers to tell us whether they were Twilight fans or Rob fans first. Really looking forward to getting the answers on that one.
Since many of you wonderful readers are from the UK, I’m guessing that most of you already knew about Robert Pattinson before you’d ever heard of Twilight. Having said that, I still really want to hear the story of how you became a fan of Rob. If you weren’t all that in to him as Edward, didRemember Me change your view? Did you fall in love with him years ago when he graced the screen as the ill-fated Cedric in Goblet of Fire? What better way to honor his birthday than to remember why we’re fans?
I read the first three books of the series before I’d even heard the name Robert Pattinson. You’ll have to forgive me, I didn’t even read Harry Potter until 2009. I wish I hadn’t waited so long! I totally fell in love with the series. But, back to Rob, I saw his picture the day that Stephenie Meyer announced that he had been cast as Edward. The original picture didn’t win me over, but a quick scan of his imdb photos had me convinced. Once I saw him as Edward, I was done for. The more of his work I have explored, the bigger fan I have become. The Haunted Airman and Remember Me are high on my list of his performances. My favorite thing about Rob is that I SO quickly forget I’m watching Rob on screen. Within just moments, I am watching Art, Toby or Tyler. That just amazes me!
As for my wish for our beloved star on his birthday, it’s all really very simple. I wish him a lifetime of love and happiness. A long career that brings him as much joy as his work brings to us. A life filled with family and friends and people that he can trust. The privacy and peace to enjoy all those things. Most of all, I hope that he feels the love and gratitude of his fans today.
So now it’s your turn…how did you become a fan of Rob? Can’t wait to read your answers. If you like, stop by Eyes of Amber and find out how the rest of our bloggy staff became Rob fans!
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