Today is Robert Pattinson’s 24th birthday. All around the world today people are celebrating. Over on the main Eyes of Amber blog we’re celebrating by talking about how Rob came into our lives. We’ve asked readers to tell us whether they were Twilight fans or Rob fans first. Really looking forward to getting the answers on that one.
While the official premiere of Remember Me was almost two weeks ago, the film will open across the UK this weekend. I have seen the film four times, but I have tried very hard to keep all of my writing and twitter feed free of spoilers. I saw this movie without spoilers and I believe that everyone deserves that same opportunity.
While the official premiere of Remember Me was almost two weeks ago, the film will open across the UK this weekend. I have seen the film four times, but I have tried very hard to keep all of my writing and twitter feed free of spoilers. I saw this movie without spoilers and I believe that everyone deserves that same opportunity.
The official poster for Rob’s new movie, Remember Me, has been realesed! Click the picture below to view it in HQ in our gallery.
Source: Lion_Lamb