Jackson & 100 Monkeys Confirmed for TwiTour Appearances!

Sat, 20/11/2010 - 23:47 | by twicrackaddicts

Woooah, Jackson and his band 100 Monkeys have confirmed not one, not two but four appearances at Creation Entertainment's TwiTour Twilight convention!
That's Jackson appearing on stage - along with the other members of the Twilight cast who are already signed up - as well as performing live with the 100 Monkey's band!
Current listings for the new year include:SEATTLE, WA. JANUARY 22-23, 2011TINSEL KOREY (Emily) Appearing Saturday and SundayJULIA JONES (Leah Clearwater) Appearing Saturday and SundayTYSON HOUSEMAN (The Wolf Pack’s Quil Ateara) Appearing Saturday and SundayBOOBOO STEWART (The Wolf Pack’s Seth Clearwater)
SAN FRANCISCO, CA. FEBRUARY 4-6, 2011TINSEL KOREY (Emily) Appearing Friday and SaturdayBRONSON PELLETIER (The Wolf Pack’s Jared) Appearing Saturday and SundayJACKSON RATHBONE (Jasper Hale) Appearing Saturday100 MONKEYS Performing in concert Saturday Night
NASHVILLE, TN. MARCH 11-13, 2011TYSON HOUSEMAN (The Wolf Pack’s Quil Ateara) Appearing Saturday and SundayTINSEL KOREY (Emily) Appearing Friday and SaturdayJACKSON RATHBONE (Jasper Hale) Appearing Saturday100 MONKEYS Performing in concert Saturday Night
LOS ANGELES, CA. MARCH 4-6, 2011BRONSON PELLETIER (The Wolf Pack’s Jared) Appearing Saturday and SundayTINSEL KOREY (Emily) Appearing Friday and SaturdayJULIA JONES (Leah Clearwater) Appearing Friday and SaturdayJACKSON RATHBONE (Jasper Hale) Appearing Saturday100 MONKEYS Performing in concert Saturday Night
ARLINGTON, VA APRIL 15-17, 2011BRONSON PELLETIER (The Wolf Pack’s Jared) Appearing Saturday and SundayTYSON HOUSEMAN (The Wolf Pack’s Quil Ateara) Appearing Saturday and SundayJULIA JONES (Leah Clearwater) Appearing Friday and SaturdayJACKSON RATHBONE (Jasper Hale) Appearing Saturday100 MONKEYS Performing in concert Saturday NightCHICAGO, IL. JUNE 25-26, 2011BRONSON PELLETIER (The Wolf Pack’s Jared) Appearing Saturday and SundayJULIA JONES (Leah Clearwater) Appearing Saturday and Sunday(NB: more guests TBA)I'm hoping to go to the Seattle one *fingers crossed* if not more - eeek!
Via TwilightLexicon
- Lorabell
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