Jenny Jerkface is Famous!

Tue, 22/06/2010 - 21:20 | by twitarded

You may remember a little post Jenny Jerkface wrote a while back titled "Billy Burke Rocks Out With His Cock Out" where she talked about the upcoming release of Billy's new single. She compared him to the Hoff... well, not really compared him to the Hoff per se, but really, really hoped that his career would not end up like the Hoff's - you know, actor-turned-musician cheesiness!

I see him rockin' out, but I see no cock out!

Well, hold on to your panties because Radar Online recently caught up with Billy to ask him some questions about Twilight fansites. And guess who's first out of the gate? You guessed it! Jenny Jerkface... although the interviewer obviously didn't do her proper research because the fansite is not called Jenny Jerkface. Stupid bitch. Fire your assistant stat.

Since I can't seem to figure out how to embed the fucking video into this post, please click here to view! You won't be sorry. Even Lorabell from TwiCrack Addict gets a shoutout! And from the look on Billy's face, it appears he has fond memories of his time here at Twitarded... reading Jenny Jerkface's kick ass post and having Twitter conversations with Snarkier Than You. What could be better than that?

Hey Billy! We'll be in Forks September 30 through October 3... you want to party it down with some serious Twitards, you'll know where to find us!

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