Julia Jones is about to be bitten by fame in a big way

Tue, 26/01/2010 - 02:43 | by twilight-movie.org

She is one of the stars to look out for in the next Twilight film, Eclipse, as her character takes a more central role in story’s wolf pack. With this, is fame about to bite actress Julia Jones in a big way?

The Boston Globe was able to interview to the actress where she talked about growing up in Boston, being an actress and playing a part in the Twilight franchise. Here is an excerpt of their article.

“Because Stephenie Meyer wrote the layers, you’re kind of serving something else,’’ says Jones, who had a small role on NBC’s “ER’’ and acted in a few indie films before landing the role in “Eclipse.’’ “Usually you’re looking for any clue you can in a script – usually it’s skeletal, because it’s not prose. But in this case, there’s 3,000 pages of detail.’’

Jones has perfected the art of the brooding werewolf frown, but in real life she has a sweet smile and a quick, dry sense of humor. She grew up in Jamaica Plain, summered on the Cape, and graduated from Boston Latin School. Her mother still lives on one of those pretty roads that connects Centre Street to the Jamaicaway.

“The cool thing about it is that there’s a pond on one end of our street – I grew up sailing on it – and on the other end of the street there were housing developments,’’ Jones says during a visit to her agent’s office in Los Angeles after returning from “Eclipse’’ filming in Vancouver.

Jones started her stage career as a child. By 4, she was dancing with the Boston Ballet in productions of “The Nutcracker.’’ By high school she was a Wheelock Family Theatre star.

To read the rest of her interview, click on the link above.


Wheelock director Jane Staab says Jones was always intense and introspective, even as a teen. “Her intelligence just emanated from her,’’ Staab says. “She has an inner light you just sort of respect. It makes you sort of jump.’’

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