K-Stew Talks Breaking Dawn & Her Hate For Cullen Contacts

Mon, 14/11/2011 - 18:56 | by twicrackaddicts

MTV News spoke with recently spoke with Kristen, and she had a lot to say about the Cullen contacts.

Here is the video and the transcript below! --Ashes

"They are worse. The yellow ones sort of limit your vision even more, and so you feel a little bit more closed off," she said. "That is one thing I can't wait to say goodbye to, is the contacts. They just kill you. [They give you] dead face."

Robert Pattinson said he was delighted that his co-star had to suffer with the rest of them. "She's like, 'I wear contact lenses. Why do you always complain about yours?' " Pattinson said. "When she finally wore them and then was complaining about them every second of the day, it was kind of satisfying."
Stewart said the yellow lenses were totally worth the trouble, because she was so excited to play the vampire version of Bella.

"I've been waiting. To see her thrive anytime, it's — she's always so full of something that she knows, and it's like, at this point, you finally go, 'Oh, she was right,' and she can also go, 'OK, great, I'm not crazy, this was supposed to happen.' "

Stewart said Bella's previous feelings that she was different from others are validated in the final film. "The whole vampire thing, I wasn't excited to be white and all that; I was really more excited to finally get her there, because she wants it so bad."
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