Kellan on Twilight and its success

Mon, 16/11/2009 - 02:20 | by

Everyone in the Twilight cast is enjoying the ride that is the Twilight Saga. They are not only part of a multi-million franchise but also a part of a juggernaut that has avid and devoted fans. Among one of these actors is Kellan Lutz who is not shy in giving the love backto the fans that adore them.

“I’m just so blessed to be a part of this amazing experience. It’s such a magic carpet ride. And it’s opened up doors for all us within our careers to frontline other movies and be a part of bigger and better things,” Lutz said a phone interview earlier this fall from Vancouver, British Columbia.

“It’s just so amazing to have forged these relationships with these other actors who are just as humble and down-to-earth and have their heads on solid shoulders.”

“We didn’t know what this would become in a way. We were just actors who fell in love with a script and within doing that, it’s not like a Marvel hero where you know Green Lantern or Captain America, whoever is that is gonna be famous right off the block. We fell in love with our characters and kind of looked at this as just another job.”

“We all are stepping in and giving a face to our characters, which fans already have celebrities, actors, who they envisioned as Emmett or Alice or Bella. And it’s nice to have their support, so it’s a huge weight off our shoulders shooting ‘New Moon’ and then ‘Eclipse,’” Lutz said.

He also talked a bit about Eclipse, which was wrapped recently.

“We’re doing such intense fight training that we’re gonna look like trained killers by the time the fans and the audience sees it onscreen,” Lutz said of “Eclipse.” “And I really love my character in ‘Breaking Dawn,’ so I really want to bring him to life.”

To read more of Kellan’s interview, click on the link above.


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