Kristen and Taylor participated in a private Eclipse Press Conference in LA

Mon, 10/05/2010 - 03:18 | by

Reporter Mayra Dias Gomes posted a picture of her and Taylor Lautner as she participated in a private Eclipse Press Conference in LA last May 7, 2010. Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner attended the event.

Of course, she signed a confidentiality contract with Summit Entertainment which mean she cannot divulge any statement or information yet about the conference. This information will be released on the proper time.

Among Mayra’s Tweets are:

I apologize, but I can not discuss these details. I only say that I was also shocked.

Now Kristen, in the deal. I got an autograph to send to Vivi in Brazil.

Unfortunately now, we need to sign a contract agreeing to not tell any details before publication. (I hate writing without accents.)

I just got the roundtables, individual now. Kristen is prettier, but more angry.

Okay, I’m going to my junket. What sleep! Hello Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart!


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