Lykke Li Reveals details on her New Moon Song

Tue, 13/10/2009 - 02:31 | by

MTV Shows

Swedish singer/songwiter Lykke Li talked to MTV recently regarding her New Moon soundtrack contribution, “Possibility”. According to Ms. Li, she watched the movie first before writing the song.

“Everyone kept asking me if I wanted to do it, how [the song] was going, when would I have it finished, and I was like, ‘Eh, I don’t know, maybe I’ll do it, maybe I won’t,’ ” she told MTV. “I stayed [in Los Angeles] and watched the movie, when it only had green screen on it. I had this hook in my mind, even before I saw the movie, and then I was watching it, and I was like, ‘That’s the hook!’”

To read more of her interview, click on the link above.


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