Random Robert News

Tue, 02/03/2010 - 17:46 | by twilight-movie.org

Last night, Robert Pattinson dropped by The Late Show with Jimmy Fallon to promote his latest movie, Remember Me. Other guests last night was 30 Rock actor Judh Friedlander and he posted this picture of him and Rob over his morning’s Daily TwitPic .

Also, Gossip Cop has news about an incident during the screening. One of the film’s actors, the one who played Pierce Brosnan’s executive assistant, approached Robert’s mom and said that Rob is a special actor and that she should be very proud of him.

But Gossip Cop wasn’t the only who felt Pattinson was gripping onscreen. Quite randomly, as we were hanging out talking to a friend from L.A., one of the film’s actors approached a blonde woman standing next to us and began to sing Pattinson’s praises.

That co-star was Kate Burton, who plays the executive assistant to Pattinson’s high-powered father (Pierce Brosnan). And the blonde  woman who Burton approached was the star’s real-life mom, Clare Pattinson.

So what did the actress say to Pattinson’s mom?

Burton told Clare Pattinson that she was legendary screen actor Richard Burton’s daughter – whoa! – and that Pattinson is a special actor, and she should be “very proud.”


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