
Michael Sheen Takes to the London West End in Hamlet!

Tue, 11/01/2011 - 12:05 | by twicrackaddicts

The man, the legend that is Michael Sheen is going to be treading the boards on stage at the Young Vic as the lead role in Hamlet!
Show dates are yet to be announced but tickets go on sale February 15th - prediction: these are going to sell like hot cakes and Michael will ROCK this production!

Random Robert News

Tue, 02/03/2010 - 17:46 | by

Last night, Robert Pattinson dropped by The Late Show with Jimmy Fallon to promote his latest movie, Remember Me. Other guests last night was 30 Rock actor Judh Friedlander and he posted this picture of him and Rob over his morning’s Daily TwitPic .

As if we needed another reason to *LOVE* the Weitzmeister!

Wed, 09/12/2009 - 23:04 | by twicrackaddicts

Twilight fan, 22-year-old Samantha, was arrested last week and held in a cell for 2 days for allegedly trying to videotape New Moon.

Facing a 3 year jail sentence if convicted, Chris Weitz is coming to her rescue, telling the Sun Times:

MTV: Five Reasons Fans Will Agree "New Moon Delivers"

Mon, 16/11/2009 - 22:52 | by

MTV has posted an article on the fact that they think 'New Moon' delivers, and five reasons why they think fans will agree with them.

1. The Acting Is Better

2. It Looks Great

3. It Sets Up 'Eclipse' Perfectly

4. The New Characters Rock

5. The Line Has Been Walked

To find out what those mean exactly, click the link for the full article. There are NO SPOILERS.

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