Reelz Channel top Twilight fan-made posters

Wed, 14/04/2010 - 06:42 | by

Reelz Channel has listed down the Top 10 Fanmade Twilight Posters. Ever since the announcement that the books will be adapted into movies, fans have made their creative juice flowing by making Twilight posters which were posted all over the internet. Here are some of the posters that made Reelz Channel list.

Pros: Cool tagline, one of the bestTwilight promo images, a sense of foreboding, KStew looking like she can act

Cons: No beefcake-Jake

Verdict: We’d happily add this to our Twilight Saga poster collection.

Pros: A wishful-thinking rendering of Edward, Volterra background

Cons: It’s really all a fangirl lie, created to show fans what they could have had

Verdict: Don’t you just wish RPattz really looked like that? If he did, his shirtless scenes in New Moon would have been much easier to watch.

Pros: Simple but effective teaser, book cover font, emphasis on Edward

Cons: Missing Bella and Jacob — sure Edward’s still #1, but Bella and the wolves have fans, too.

Verdict: Jacob who? Edward fans rejoice!

Pros: A mixture of official promo images, “Fire and Ice” text

Cons: Not enough originality

Verdict: Combines the eclipse and love-triangle images to make a better poster than what Summit has come up with.

To view the completed list, click on the link above.


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