I continue to be impressed by these guys - the detail just gets better and better (I want some of those outfits!) and I LOLed at 7:05!
Could've used just a liiiittle Charlie for me though - that "Old skool" scene would have been hysterical :D
- Lorabell
P.s. This Jake may make my Team Edward devotion sway juuuuuust a lil ;)
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The previously taken down caps from the Special FX video - we now get to see Bella petting Jake - yaaaaaaaaaay!
Poor Jake - sucks to be you!
- Lorabell ;)
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I just about DIIIED - major chills - I CAN'T WAIT!!!
Did anyone else just have a moment when Edward took out that tree? BAM! Jake's all "I'm so angry and buff! And when Jasper's all "I'm going to kick the HALE out of your new-born ass" - woah!
P.s. Kinda sad panda they kept the fugly ring though :/
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Reelz Channel has listed down the Top 10 Fanmade Twilight Posters. Ever since the announcement that the books will be adapted into movies, fans have made their creative juice flowing by making Twilight posters which were posted all over the internet. Here are some of the posters that made Reelz Channel list.
Here are several video interviews of Robert for his new movie, Remember Me,courtesy of Access Hollywood and Jake the Movie Guy.