Rob’s Pregnancy Joke

Thu, 06/05/2010 - 10:35 | by

The infamous Twilight” trio — Robert Pattinson, Kristen StewartandTaylor Lautnerappeared this week with Oprah Winfrey on the Chicago set of her talk show, taping an episode that will air on Thursday, May 13 to promote “Twilight: Eclipse,” which opens on June 30.

But once again, just like with his GQ “allergic to vaginas” joke, Pattinson’s dry British wit was taken seriously and immediately sparked rumors that Kristen Stewart is pregnant with their child. Twihard jaws collectively dropped (as well as hopes and dreams) as the news hit the Web and Twitter.

Here’s what really happened. When Oprah’s asked if Kristen and Rob were dating, Rob quipped that Kirsten was pregnant and then Kristen joked that Rob was actually having the baby.

OK, so no one’s really pregnant. But if they’re finally being allowed to joke about their relationship, that’s a very good sign. It was ridiculous for them to be so stern and unresponsive and flat out refuse to answer questions. Just have fun with it!

Way to go, guys. So when’s the baby due? What’s that, June 30?


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