
Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner: EW’s 30 Sexiest Stars of 2010

Thu, 23/12/2010 - 17:48 | by twilight-movie.org

Entertainment Weekly has listed down the 30 Sexiest Stars of 2010 and two Twilight actors – Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner – made it into the list.

Stephenie amongst 'People who matter' in 2010

Thu, 30/09/2010 - 22:58 | by Eyes of Amber

Stephenie Meyer has been number 28 on the list of the 50 people who matter in 2010 by the New Statesman. Stephenie ranks higher than Oprah and Lady Gaga on the list of people who have "global influence for good or ill". Do you agree with the rankings? Checkout the full list HERE

*They probably should have spelled her name correctly on the list..oops!

More from EW 'Eclipse' Interview

Thu, 24/06/2010 - 15:42 | by Eyes of Amber

Entertainment Weeklyhave released another excerpt from their 'Eclipse' issue on stands tomorrow.

Stephenie invites Fansites for Eclipse Junket!

Tue, 18/05/2010 - 17:22 | by Eyes of Amber

Stephenie Meyer has decided to do something different for her promotion for Eclipse.  She posted the following on her website yesterday:

Eclipse - Number one in movie power rankings!

Tue, 18/05/2010 - 17:03 | by Eyes of Amber

According to Hit Fix 'Eclipse' is currently ranked at number one in the movie power rankings.  Largely due, according to Hit Fix "almost daily breaks with the first clip of "Eclipse" debuting online, tickets going on sale six weeks early (and sellouts a plenty) and a whole lot of hype on Oprah".

New Twifecta Oprah Video?

Mon, 17/05/2010 - 22:51 | by twicrackaddicts

Click to play
Thanks to Kelly for emailing in with this video I'd not yet seen from Oprah.
Rob, Taylor and Kristen explain what they'd like to be doing if they weren't... them!

New Twifecta interview with USA Today

Mon, 17/05/2010 - 14:26 | by Eyes of Amber

Rob, Kristen and Taylor sat down for a very cute interview with USA Today after the Oprah show.  The interview is a great read and all three come across as relaxed and funny.  The writer describes Rob as "Dashingly disheveled..Pattinson has an infectious, high-pitched laugh that would never do for his seductive vampire lover-boy, Edward Cullen."  Taylor is described

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