Rolling Stone lists down the Best and Worst Vampires on Film and TV

Wed, 25/08/2010 - 01:19 | by

Rolling Stone’s Peter Travers listed down the Best and Worst Vampires on Film and TV. Amongst included in the list are Twilight’s Edward Cullen and Dr Carlisle Cullen.

Robert Pattinson – Edward Cullen

Admirers of both sexes might name the Brit actor Number One for his humongous fan base. But as Edward Cullen, he has neither the fangs nor the balls to go for the human jugular when he can hunt Bambi or moon around Bella instead. What Pattinson does have: Byronic good looks that are unfakably hypnotic.

Peter Fascinelli – Dr. Carlisle Cullen

Facinelli is a solid actor, but playing Carlisle Cullen, the white-haired head of the fang-challenged Cullen vampire family, he looks about as terrifying as Project Runway winner Austin Scarlett, whom Carisle closely resembles.


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