Rumour Alert! No more Snow White for Kristen Stewart?

Thu, 19/01/2012 - 17:50 | by twicrackaddicts

Kristen looks so little here!
Ever since last year's San Diego Comic Con, where SWATH director Rupert Sanders hinted at making a "series" out of the Snow White project, fans have been speculating whether Kristen would be attached to another big budget franchise after the Twilight Saga.

So a friend of mine in "the biz" did a little asking around and it turns out that the same crew are slated to do a version of "Sleeping Beauty" next year!

Although I think this is a cool progression in the series - more so than a Snow White only trilogy - it would almost certainly mean that another actress would be the lead...

Officially, we'll have to wait and see what happens but I'm sure whatever Kristen's future film choices will be solid.
- Lorabell
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