Some parents are wary over Twilight

Fri, 20/11/2009 - 03:16 | by

We have heard news that the Twilight books have bonded mothers and their children, allowing them both to enjoy the thrill and ride of the franchise together. It has created some quality time, which is needed in this tech-savvy world, where the new gadgets and gizmos easily diverts the fickle minds of the youth. But in a new report at CNN, there are still parents that are wary with Twilight and their kids obsessing with it.

Heather Sokol, 32, of Westfield, Indiana, is between a rock and a hard place. She has already bought advance tickets to see “New Moon” for herself, but she refuses to let her 11-year old daughter, Stacia, see it.

Stacia is quite displeased, said Sokol, but mom is holding firm.

“I think the content is too advanced for a tween,” Sokol said. “She is pouty for sure. A few of her friends are two years older so she is frustrated that I won’t let her see it. I have always been upfront about my reasons. I flat-out told her it was a young adult novel and the content is not suitable for her age group.”

Kimberly Noe, 46, has tried to combat the “Twilight” mania in her home — where her daughter Daisy, 11, nabbed the household’s Robert Pattinson issue of Vanity Fair before anyone had a chance to read it — by framing the saga detailed in the movie and in Meyer’s books as sheer ridiculousness.

“I read the books myself and saw the movie, and we do a lot of defensive talk like ‘this is so dumb,’ when it comes to the plotlines,” she said. “I think Daisy realizes it is such a negative in our house she’s not as rabid as talking about ‘New Moon,’ as she was about ‘Twilight,’ ” Noe said.

She added the “Twilight” franchise’s pervasiveness has made it difficult to shut out.

“As a parent I’m not just competing with the movie in the movie theater, I am competing with the millions of advertising dollars that has inundated every nook and cranny of my daughter’s life,” she said.

To read more about the article, click on the link above.


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