Time’s Q&A with Kristen Stewart

Wed, 18/11/2009 - 11:25 | by twilight-movie.org

Yesterday, we have posted the Q& A session of Robert Pattinson and director Chris Weitz with Time Magazine. Now, we have Kristen’s turn. Here is an excerpt of her interview:

TIME: Everyone has a theory about what makes this franchise so successful. What’s yours?

People try to solve the equation all the time. It’s like, what is it about vampires? I don’t think there’s something particularly alluring or topical about vampires right now that our generation takes to. I think it’s more just that Stephenie [Meyer] wrote these characters with really creative, really gloried character traits. He’s a vampire — he sucks blood and all that — but being a vampire is really just a symbol of who he is. I think if you take all of the mythical aspects away from the story, that these characters would still be interesting. And they’d still stand. That’s what people have become addicted to. At least concerning the fans. I don’t think it’s a vampire thing

Casting was pretty key, and Catherine was intent from moment one about you. Did you understand where she was coming from about Bella?

I had one audition. It was a very conventional audition. I read with another actor for a really long period. It was like five hours. I don’t know if we completely agreed conceptually about who this character is, because everyone reads Bella differently and I’ve never agreed with any one person entirely. But after that first audition we had a really thriving working relationship. It was like, Wow, I want to play like this all the time.

Taking on the beloved Bella is a big responsibility. You’re always going to have people who believe you’re the best Bella, and people who still hate the casting. Is that difficult?

It’s not difficult when it’s totally concerning the movie. That I still get and I completely understand. I watchTwilight andNew Moon and I think, Gosh, there are a million lines that I wish were in it that aren’t. You can’t be expected to capture the book — what you are expected to do is capture an essence. That’s always subjective. It’s something that eternally worries me, but at the same time you have to suppress those thoughts. You would be playing a really disjointed character if you were taking everyone’s considerations. It’s impossible to please everyone. As long as they know that you are working hard, as hard as you can, I think the actual fans of the book accept that and appreciate that.

To read more of her interview, click on the link above.


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