Twilight Afterlife, Literary Speaking...

Sun, 18/07/2010 - 04:14 | by Eyes of Amber

I bet everybody who got hooked on Twilight books, inhaled them in one veeeeeeeeryyyyyyy looooooooong (yet somehow - too short) sitting, re-read them again, at the end, was left wanting more... Craving that "butterflies in my stomach" feeling of diving into a great story that catches you and doesn't let go until you're done with it. Am I right, or am I right?
Personally, I started reading Twilight when RL was not so fun around me, and I desperately needed some escapist alternative reality to stick my head into. So, when it ended... I was kinda left high and dry, no fair! Naturally, I started searching frantically for another book (series, preferably) to keep scratching my itch. First came up the "Southern Vampire Series" aka True Blood. Then, I discovered that there's a whole world of wonderful, romantic, and exciting YA lit out there. It was such a fresh diversion from the pink-covered "chick-lit" and more serious "grownup" stuff that filled my library record up until then! I read them all, vamps, wolves, fairies, oh, so many fairies, angels, knights, immortals, oy... Some better than others, some great, some not so much, but you get the drift. So, now I come to the point where I am once again, standing at the edge of magical YA universe with nothing to read. Seriously! One more series that doesn't end after 3rd installment and I might throw up a little. Another "there's a new boy in school and he's gorgeous and I am a plain geeky girl who has to have him" and I might get an "episode". I seriously need a break from the high-school crowd. I probably will come back to at least a few of the serious I still admire and would like to keep tabs on, when they come out. But for right now, I've got NOTHING! What's a girl to do? HELP!!! Should I go back to the source aka Anne Rice? Jump into the sci-fy fantasies? Give me some good recommendations, please!

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