Twilight: More Year-end lists

Thu, 17/12/2009 - 03:37 | by

Youtube has released their year-end list of the Most Watched Videos of 2009. The second Twilight film, New Moon, placed fourth in the list garnering 31 million views. It joined UK sensation Susan Boyle and the Evian Roller babies on the list.

Also, Total Film released their list of 100 Most Influential People in the MoviesList. Among those included are Twilight author Stephenie Meyer and actor Robert Pattinson.

Stephenie Meyer

The vampire queen, post-Anne Rice. Connecticut’s superstar scribe of emo-bloodsucker splash Twilight consolidated her standing with the record-busting success of movie sequel New Moon, tearing into franchise terrain soon to be vacated by Harry Potter. Andrew Niccol’s adaptation of her sci-fi novel The Host should spread her web further.

Robert Pattinson

Emo-goth pin-up and va-va-vamp with a heart-spearing quiff.


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