Twitarded Has Been Infected!

Thu, 10/11/2011 - 04:19 | by twitarded

Last week I told a romantic tale of my two loves: Edward Cullen and zombies. This week it appears that zombie Edward has made his rounds and has infected the Twitarded quartet. I'm not sure how or when that little zombie bastard made his way into my house, and I definitely don't remember waking up with any bite marks anywhere. He's a sneaky one, that Zombieward. Let's just say, there's going to be hell to pay if anyone of us ends up pregnant with his creepy zombie baby.

 I feel pretty... oh so pretty... I feel pretty and witty and blight!
TexasKatherine and her botched nose job. I'd be asking for a refund on that one.
Steampunk zombie Jerkface -- the goggles will hide your eyes, but please find a bandana or something to hide those fangs?
  Oh Snarkier Than You, you have such a pretty eye!
Please tell me you downloaded this app. I'm telling you, it's fucking hours of fun! Although it does scare me sometimes -- how horrifying I can make someone look. I want to Zombify my whole office for our company Christmas card. {{insert evil laugh here}}

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