The World's Most Powerful Celebrities Forbes List

Wed, 18/05/2011 - 17:28 | by twicrackaddicts

I noticed that Forbes released The World's 100 Most Powerful Celebrities list today. Y'all know I had to check it out to see if any of the Twilightcast made the cut. Both Rob and Kristen were on the list. I am very surprised at some of the people they beat out!

Robert Pattinson is number 53

With the end of the Twilight franchise in sight, Pattinson is preparing himself
for a post-vampire career. The romance Remember Me earned only $56 million but
that?s not bad considering the film had a tiny budget of $16 million. Water for
Elephants, costarring Reese Witherspoon, also performed decently at the box
office proving that audiences are willing to accept Pattinson as more than an
undead heartthrob.

Kristen Stewart is number 63

Stewart's non-Twilight career hasn't been as successful as her costar Robert
Pattinson's so far. Her 2010 film The Runaways grossed only $4.6 million at the
global box office. But the two-part Breaking Dawn should bring her enough money
to play around with different roles while looking for her next big hit. Stewart
is attached to one of two Snow White projects currently in development.

Stephenie Meyer is number 90

Like Harry Potter creator JK Rowling, Stephenie Meyer had never published a
piece of fiction before she wrote Twilight in 2003, at age 29. She has said the
idea for the vampire love story came to her in a dream. The three Twilight films
have grossed $1.8 billion at the global box office. Two more are on the way, as
well as an adaption of her science fiction novel The Host starring Saiorse

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