Eyes of Amber

Are there any Edwards in your closet?

The more Twilight fans I meet, the more surprised I am to discover how many of them are still in the fandom closet. It never occurred to me to actively try to hide my love of all things Twilight. Okay, if I’m being really honest, obsession is probably a much more accurate word. Maybe the way that I came to Twilight has something to do with that, but let’s save that story for another time.

What if Jasper was Edward?

While it’s true that these days, most people would agree that Robert Pattinson has more than done justice to the role of Edward Cullen, the initial reaction to his casting was not all positive. Who can forget the petition signed by over 70,000 to get rid of him? When I asked my twitter followers who they would want for Edward if they couldn’t have Rob, there was near revolt! My, my, how times have changed. But did you ever wonder who else was in line for the part?

Featuring Sam Bradley - Part Two

Tomorrow is a huge day for Sam Bradley and his fans. The long awaited EP drops, Sam turns 23 and sambradley.com launches. That is one heck of a busy day! When I caught up with Sam last month, I asked him about the EP. Although he didn’t have an exact date at the time, you could definitely see his excitement. Getting to this point was no small feat. This release is the product of countless hours of planning, hard work and frustrating delays.

Featuring Sam Bradley - Part One

When I sat down to work on my Sam Bradley feature, it quickly became clear to me that it was going to be easy to write about him. So easy in fact, that I had more to say than I can fit into one post. So I decided to give you two days of Sam Bradley. Now really, how can you go wrong with that?

Featuring Bobby Long

“I don’t want to be famous. That doesn’t drive me at all. I just want to be doing this all the time. Everyday.” (Bobby Long to ITN Music)

Meet Sam, Marcus and Bobby

I’m working on my first set of themed articles for the blog and I’m very excited because I’m going to be writing about one of my favorite subjects. Three young men whose faces never graced the screen during Twilight, but made a huge impression with their soundtrack contributions. I am talking of course about Sam Bradley, Marcus Foster and Bobby Long.

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