
Jacob Black’s Birthday – January 14th, 1990!

Sun, 17/01/2010 - 09:54 | by Malaysian Twilighter

Ooh!! Jacob Black finally has a birthday!

QuileuteWolfPack got confirmation from Stephenie Meyer that Jacob's birthday is January 14th, 1990! Hmm... a month before Valentine's Day...

Mattel releases Pocket Jacob!

Sat, 14/11/2009 - 11:14 | by Malaysian Twilighter

Ooohh.. check this out.
After announcing Bella and Edward Barbie, Mattel is releasing Jacob Barbie. There's Pocket Edward, and then now, Pocket Jacob!! :D
Toy giant Mattel have immortalized Taylor Lautner's Twilight character Jacob Black in the form of a plastic action figure.

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