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Top Twilight News

Tell Me What You Think?

So the truth is I really, really miss this blog and I miss my amazing readers and twitter followers. To show my appreciation and to honor the last film's arrival I'm working on a special post. What I need from you is to know what you thought about the final installment.

The day has finally arrived!

It's finally here! Breaking Dawn part 2, which technically comes out tomorrow, will start showings tonight. Not midnight as we've gotten used to in the past but at 10pm! I'm totally jealous of all of my amazing friends who already saw the movie Monday night in LA and all those of you seeing it tonight. For some reason no on wanted to babysit until after midnight during the week so I could go tonight, lol, so I'll be seeing it on Friday. This will be the first time since the first movie  that I wasn't at the midnight showing but I'm trying to be brave!

Jumping Rob adorkableness

This is so cute!  Rob sees Jumping Rob for (presumably) the first time.

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Totally spoiler-free BD2 review

Hey TwiCrackers!  I'm back from LA and (somewhat) caught up on sleep.  I took hundreds of pictures and I will eventually find the hours needed to upload and edit them, but for now I'll just give you what I know you really want: a spoiler-free review of Breaking Dawn Part 2.

Let's start with the basics.

Drive by posting from LA!

Watch Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2

There is just one week until Twilight fans get to watch Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2, the fifth and final installment in the Twilight Saga based on Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight book series.

Off to LA!

I'm packing my bags, TwiCrackers!  Tomorrow I hop a plane to Los Angeles to camp out for the Breaking Dawn Part 2 premiere.  I've got my Twilight tshirts, a Breaking Dawn poster mounted to a posterboard covered in glitter (what else?) for autographs, a really terrible Edward wig, and more.

Robert Pattinson on Jimmy Kimmel

Rob (Edward) appeared on Jimmy Kimmel to talk (adorkably) about the size of his shoes, promo travel, skydiving (the way he wants to die - ?), voting (he wants no responsibility...), and the volume of his kissing ("like a vacuum").  Rob can always be relied upon to be awkward and hilarious! 

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Kristen Stewart on Jay Leno

Kristen Stewart (Bella) sat down with Jay Leno last night to talk about Breaking Dawn Part 2: what she'll miss, the new way she's trying to hide from the paparazzi, her new fragrance for Balenciaga, and more.  She also ROCKED that dress, which I really want. 

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Ellen Degeneres Roundup

First up: Peter Facinelli and Elizabeth Reaser

Peter (Carlisle) and Elizabeth (Esme) appeared on the Ellen Degeneres show to talk about Liam Neeson, the "drive the car" dance (hilarious!), the experience of promoting Breaking Dawn Part 2 versus promoting Twilight.

Anyone else notice how NORMAL Peter sounds when he isn't saying "ahhhhhhmy?"  And how stunning is Elizabeth?

Next: Nikki Reed and Mackenzie Foy

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