Hey everybody! Meet Gus!

Wed, 22/09/2010 - 02:48 | by twitarded

Who the hell is Gus? You may be asking yourself.

That's Gus. The guy behind that cute JJ kid, who's behind a very tired, very fat-headed Myg.But Myg, why do I want to know who he is?you might now be asking yourself. Other than the fact that he's bold enough to keep company with the likes of me, Jenny Jerkface and Snarkier Than You, he also happens to be one hell of a kickass photographer and videographer. And he's coming to fucking Forks, ya'all, so if that doesn't vouch for his insanity character, well I guess I don't know what does.

So, those of you not making the pilgrimage, despair not. There will be a full on documentary, of sorts, of this adventure. And those of you going who are like what the mother of fucking fuck are you thinking, capturing this on film? We understand. Honestly. We've got a system, see, and we promise, and Gus promises that only those of us stupid brave enough to be caught on film will go on film.

(Being serious for just a minute--we know that some of you simply cannot have your face and/or name publicly associated with the brand of fuckery that's likely to go down on the Olympic Peninsula in 9 days. We absolutely respect your need for anonymity and promise to protect it. The rest of you? Consider your public reputation hereby trashed. Start grieving your good name now so by the time we get there, you're over it.)

In Forks, you'll mostly encounter Gus like this:

Yep. He'll be the one crouched down unobtrusively with the really, really BIG camera.

Gus is seriously like family to me, folks. He is an old housemate of mine, he's the guy who takes care of my cats when we go out of town, he did the photos of my wedding (and STY's wedding too!). Gus is easy. And when I say easy, I mean he's a super duper relaxed chill kind of guy who is up for anything, can make conversation with your grandmother or your toddler, is the kind of friend who will help you move a couch for a slice of pizza, kwim? He has great manners, a good sense of humor and wait... is this match.com? Sorry. But this shit is all really true. And from 9/29 until 10/3, he's all ours. MUAAAHAHAHAHAHA....

Lord have mercy (Brown?) on him.

P.S. from LKW: Twitarded was recently approached by an anonymous, very closeted (but uber-awesome!) Twitard who couldn't be in Forks but wanted to make sure we did something special to commemorate the occasion. What better way to honor the trip than by having a professional document it?! We were very lucky to receive a donation from this amazing contributor to make this happen! And poof... GUS! Thank you, anon patron of the Twitarded Arts!

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