A Twitard Runs Afoul...

Wed, 28/10/2009 - 22:45 | by twitarded

Our friends love us. They really do. They are also just as evil as we are so when we got an email with the link below, along with a warning that this could happen to us we... fucking couldn't stop laughing because we knew it was no idle threat.

From here (Click link to enlarge pic)

This was sent to us by none other than our lovely OPattz, who is a kick ass dancer, if you'll all recall. While he is the best sport EVER, he only tolerates STY and my addiction to Twilight because he knows we make fun of it as often as we extol its virtues. This was the note accompanying the link.

This is what will happen to both of you if you ever say how "awesome" twillight is. I just thought you should be warned that you must keep disparaging the series or all bets are off.....


This is hysterical and we want this to happen to someone we know. Just not us. And while Mr. Snarky and ML frequently threaten to start treating us like the juvenile delinquents we've been acting like lately, at least we won't get grounded.

I don't know who this poor sap is but his friends are diabolical. I'd buy them a drink but trust me, I'd stay sober around them...

P.S. - Snarkier Than You and I won't be around tonight. I know, we suck. We are attending a little bloggy meetup called Aiming Low in New York. We fully intend to take advantage of the free booze and will hopefully not get jumped by all the non-Twi bloggers.

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