Andrew Garfield

Robert Pattinson: BBC America’s Top UK Actors of 2010

Mon, 13/12/2010 - 02:52 | by

BBC’s Anglopheniahas chosen Robert Pattinson as one of UK’s Top Actors of 2010. He placed 7th in the list which also includes Aaron Johnson, Russell Brand, Christian Bale, Colin Firth and his Harry Potter co-star Daniel Radcliffe to name a few.

Andrew Garfield on Robert Pattinson

Wed, 13/10/2010 - 01:27 | by

For awhile there were rumors that Robert Pattinson is in the running for the role of Peter Parker in the reboot of the Spiderman Franchise. Whether those rumors were true, the role eventually went to Andrew Garfield, who is one of Robert’s closest friends.

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