Why Are Men So Useless?

Fri, 27/05/2011 - 03:46 | by twitarded

I've come to realize something in my 16 years with Mr. LKW... men are generally useless around the house for anything that doesn't involve fixing or building shit. If I need a window replaced or some shelves built, he's my man. If I need the dog bathed or help with the vacuuming, he's fucking useless.

I always notice this right around the time someone from HIS family is scheduled for a visit. And guess who's expected to make the house squeaky clean? Yup, me.

My House Is Too Quiet.

Sat, 22/01/2011 - 04:05 | by twitarded

I've been dreading having to come up with a clever post this week. Not only has my normal mostly witty sense of humor gone on an extended vacation as of late, but I also said goodbye to my little cockatiel buddy, Muko, who passed away on Wednesday. Muko made it to the relatively ripe old age of 20 and had lived with me for 10 years.

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