Eyes of Amber

Access Hollywood Exclusive Clip (HUGE SPOILER WARNING)

This NEW footage was shown at Access Hollywood. Major spoilers, but very interesting scene. Don't tell Amber, but there is a very smexy ticked off Edward in this.

First TV Spot for New Moon premieres tonight!

It's hard to believe, and so incredibly exciting. We're now within a month of the premiere of New Moon. I have my tickets in my purse for the midnight show. I have the soundtrack on a constant loop. We're finalizing details for a New Moon party. It's hard to believe that we're so close now. As if we needed something else to remind us just how close we are...the first television spot will air tonight.

Wednesday Wrap-Up

Another week, another plethora of missed news. I hope you got a chance to read through yesterday's Twi-Theories article about Bella's hallucinations. I really want to hear your feedback. This is a doozy of a wrap-up, so grab your beverage of choice, get comfy, and enjoy the pretty.

Even Timbaland wants Bella and Edward

New Moon Candies Giveaway Winners!

We have winners! I used random.org last night to determine the three NECCO New Moon candy goody bag winners! Drum roll please...

Shannon - Facebook fan #390
Brinean - Facebook fan #397
Karin - Facebook fan #435

Twi-Theories Tuesday: Hallucinations and Choices

As with all the Twi-Theories discussions, there will be major book spoilers. If you haven't read the books, stop reading this article and go read the book. Then come back! Some movie spoiler pictures, also.

With New Moon coming (30 days!!!), I've been rereading the book and looking at some of the events. Last week we talked about Jacob in a broad sense, as he spans the series, and his purpose. This week, I was thinking about Bella's hallucinations and how they relate to Jacob.

New Moon Trading Cards

More merchandise!! Again, I'm only posting a few to avoid giving away too many scenes. TwiCrackAddict has more.

New Moon Game Cards

Here are a few of the cards from the New Moon Game. I'm only posting a few, since you can just about see the whole movie from looking at these. I'm going to be a mess in the movie theater, half the pictures had me sniffling.

5 Twilight Stars Make Empire Mag's Sexiest List

Empire Magazine published their "100 Sexiest Movie Stars", and 5 members of the Twilight Cast made the list. They're obviously mistaken, since pretty much the whole cast belongs on that list.

The Ladies:

New Moon Fandango gift cards are here!

Fandango's Limited Edition New Moon gift cards have arrived!! What a selection there is. I'm speechless...

Fan Made Friday: Twilight Inspired Music

In honor of the New Moon Soundtrack (early!) release today, I thought I'd bring you an assortment of Twilight inspired music. Various groups, either formed to sing Twi-music, or bands inspired to write something related to the series.

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