Eyes of Amber

Real men read Twilight - The Military Man Part 1

Last week I introduced you to a unicorn named TheShagDaddy. This week, I have another Twilight-reading guy for you to meet. His name is Shaun and he was introduced to the books by his lovely wife Loren. They graciously agreed to sit down and do a q & a.

Loren: Did you read the books or see the movie first?

Shaun: I read the books first.

Loren: What made you decide to read the series?

Peace. Love. Twilight. TwiJewelry.

The good people at Peace Love Twilight just reached their 200,000th visitor, and hare celebrating by hosting a giveaway of some great Twilight inspired jewelry.

New Wolfpack Promotional Picture

Rawr. That is all.

Oh. And thanks to Twifans.

Ashley Greene Talks to Vanity Fair

This month, Vanity Fair's "Twilight Watch" is featuring Ashley Greene. Here's a snippet of the interview:

What’s it like working with different directors on the same character?

People Magazine: Special New Moon Edition

This week People Magazine is release a Special Collection Edition for New Moon! The magazine will include interviews with the cast, set pictures, stills and the first image from Eclipse!

Halloween: Twilight Edition

Several Twilight fan-sites have some great tips, ideas and even contests for a Twilight-themed Halloween.

Twilighters Italia Reports on RingCon

For those that don't know, RingCon is the largest fantasy convention in Europe. Not surprisingly it was inspired by the Lord of the Rings movies, but soon expanded to include other fantasy books and movies, including Twilight.

Wednesday Wrap-Up

Hello Wednesday! Halfway through the week already, and it's been quite the busy week! Yesterday we tossed up a bunch of updates, so be sure to scroll down and catch all of those, as well as the first of the new Twi-Theories Series!

There's more news and fun stuff coming, but, since it's Wednesday, it's time to review the Twi-News of the week and see What We Missed.

Twilight MUST Win

Review: New Moon Party Planning Kit

Planning your own New Moon release party? Or a New Moon themed Halloween bash? You might be interested in this party planning kit created by the very creative RaShell aka TwiMom.

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