Eyes of Amber

Fan Made Friday: Jasper Fiction!

It's no secret I'm an Edward girl, but every now and then it's nice to show the other Twilight men a little love, too. So, I'll try to stay focused long enough to bring you a few Jasper fanfics that I've really enjoyed.

More wet Taylor pics

Twifans brings us 52 pictures from Taylor's Rolling Stone shoot in Malibu. Here are a few of my favorites. If you like them, you can see the rest here. (Click to enlarge)

Please note the size of his bicep in comparison to the size of his head...

Real men read Twilight Part 1 - TheShagDaddy

In the world of Twilight, the ladies over at Letters to Twilight have coined the term “unicorn” to refer to the male fans. The guys who didn’t just “like” the movie, but they’ve read the books, too. Why unicorns you ask? Because these men are such rare and beautiful creatures. Many of us have heard of them, but few actually know any. So those of us who do know one, or are lucky enough to be married to one, are bringing you a series of articles, straight from the unicorn’s mouth.

New Moon Skins for Your Dell Laptop

We all have our wallpapers. (Yes, you do, don't lie to me!) We have our Twitter and forum icons. Pictures of Edward, Bella, Jacob, the Wolfpack...or maybe just Rob/Taylor/Alex/whomever. But, if that's not enough for you, there's MORE! If you use a Dell laptop, you can now get customized New Moon themed skins.

Kristen Stewart Photoshoot, All Eyes and Hair, And Gorgeous

These amazingly gorgeous pictures are from Kristen's Allure Magazine photo shoot and cover. I love her eyes. And the HAIR. I miss the hair.

Wednesday Wrap-Up

Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday. This week is already going by so fast. Everything from Real Life to Twi-Life is busy, busy, busy.

Apparently, I'm into threes today.

As always, there's News We Missed, so let's take a look.

Get Ready To Scream

Blogging for a Cause: World Habitat Day

One of the best things about running your own blog is the ability to post whatever you want. Today Kerry and I want to present a special cause to our readers. One of our twitter buddies, Loren aka @PokerStarlight passed along some wonderful information to share with you guys today for World Habitat Day 2009. Here is a message from Loren.

Win a trip to New Moon premiere from Amazon!

Amazon.com is having a "wish list sweepstakes" this week that offers you a chance to win the ultimate wish list item...a trip to the New Moon premiere in L.A.!!

Scans from the New Moon Illustrated Companion

I can't get enough of these! I couldn't decide which ones to post here, they're all my favorites. There are even MORE at RPLife, courtesy of Ralphy137.

Don't be sad, Edward! We forgive Jasper!

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