
Gimme some Twilight love!

Sun, 15/11/2009 - 04:54 | by Malaysian Twilighter

Hey guys. Twilighters Malaysia and us are trying to bring the Twilight cast down here to Malaysia for a fan event!
It's an ongoing effort, and we hope that the cast can come down here for Eclipse!
So, you can play your part for a video project they are coming up with.
Make a 20 sec shout out video expressing your love for everything twilight and demand the cast to come here!! If possible in AVI/MPEG format. All footage will be compiled into a video and sent to Summit Entertainment!
Email your video to:

Twilight Malaysia: A History

Mon, 09/11/2009 - 15:47 | by Malaysian Twilighter

In celebration of this blog's anniversary a few days go, I'm gonna take you on a journey to the past, on how this blog started... a little history if you will...

New Moon in Japan!!!

Sat, 31/10/2009 - 12:19 | by Malaysian Twilighter

Listen up!! Rob Pattinson and Chris Weitz will be in Japan in November for a fan event!!
If you're heading off to Japan in November (Nov 3rd and 17th to be exact), you can :
a) Catch Rob Pattinson and Chris Weitz!!!b) Watch the world premiere of New Moon on the 17th November!!

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