In the last two weeks, you’ve met TheShagDaddy and Shaun, two guys who’ve made their wives very happy by reading Twilight. But not only did they read it, they enjoyed it and became fans themselves. Today I’m introducing you to Dean, the Instigator. He may be the rarest breed of unicorn there is. Why? Just check this out…
In the last two weeks, you’ve met TheShagDaddy and Shaun, two guys who’ve made their wives very happy by reading Twilight. But not only did they read it, they enjoyed it and became fans themselves. Today I’m introducing you to Dean, the Instigator. He may be the rarest breed of unicorn there is. Why? Just check this out…
Last week I introduced you to a unicorn named TheShagDaddy. This week, I have another Twilight-reading guy for you to meet. His name is Shaun and he was introduced to the books by his lovely wife Loren. They graciously agreed to sit down and do a q & a.
Loren: Did you read the books or see the movie first?
Shaun: I read the books first.
Loren: What made you decide to read the series?
In the world of Twilight, the ladies over at Letters to Twilight have coined the term “unicorn” to refer to the male fans. The guys who didn’t just “like” the movie, but they’ve read the books, too. Why unicorns you ask? Because these men are such rare and beautiful creatures. Many of us have heard of them, but few actually know any. So those of us who do know one, or are lucky enough to be married to one, are bringing you a series of articles, straight from the unicorn’s mouth.