Stephenie Meyer answers fans questions

Tue, 17/11/2009 - 01:55 | by

A few weeks ago, Stephenie Meyer and The Twilight Saga has asked fans to send in questions that they would like to be answered by Stephenie. Well, she has delivered and she answered as much fan questions as possible. Here is an excerpt:

What was your favorite thing about Chris Weitz and how was his interpretation of the books different from Catherine Hardwicke? – Mira Nunya

My favorite thing about Chris Weitz: everything. Sounds hyperbole-ish, but he’s really that amazing. If you follow along on some of the cast interviews you’ll hear the same thing over and over. We all adore Chris. I would have to say that my very favorite thing about Chris as a director, coming from my unique position, is his passion for being true to the source material. He really immersed himself in the Twilight world and came to the set with the feel of it already in his head. We were very much on the same page. Second thing, he listens really well—to everybody, cast and crew.

In comparing New Moon to Twilight, I would say that the biggest difference in style is that Chris is more classic while Catherine is a little more edgy and modern. I wouldn’t want both movies to be the same, though. I like seeing different interpretations. After all, no two people see the same thing when they read a novel. I enjoy seeing that visually.

After seeing Twilight the movie you mentioned that you wish you had thought of Bella catching a glimpse of Edward watching her sleep and thinking it was only a dream. Are there any new moments in the New Moon movie that you thought…I wish I had thought of that? Miss having you around the fandom, Nicole Bright (Cocoa) Crestwood, KY

Hey Cocoa! I miss you guys, too! Hope you’re well!

New Moon stays closer to the novel, so there aren’t a lot of scenes that aren’t closely related to the book. I am a little sad that my action movie—Crosshairs—is so generically titled. I like the name of the action movie they used for the film (they couldn’t use Crosshairs because there is a movie named Crosshairs somewhere out there). It makes me laugh every time Kristen says it.

Also (and I don’t consider this a spoiler because you’ve seen the trailers) there is a bit of a fight sequence in the Volturi tower now that isn’t there in the book. At first, I had some resistance to this idea because in my mythology, if you start a fight with the Volturi, your story ends right there. It would have been kind of a bummer to have Edward, Bella, and Alice slaughtered in Volterra and no happy reunion scene (and no Eclipse or Breaking Dawn). But I worked with Melissa Rosenberg (the screen writer) and Summit until we came up with a solution that made sense with the story but also gave them the visual action they needed. And now that it’s all put together and beautiful, I love it and kind of wish Felix had gotten his moment in the book.

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