Summit statement on Twi-fan piracy incident

Sat, 12/12/2009 - 01:24 | by twicrackaddicts

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I'm free! Free!!! Does jail make you sparkle? Because I'm fabulous!

Finally! It turns out that Summit are not sending Samantha - aka that gal who filmed her sister's birthday surprise party with NM kinda/sorta/not really going on in the back ground - to jail, whoop!

Following Chris Weitz's email on the subject, Summit released this official statement:

In to the situation with Samantha Tumpach, we applaud Muvico for upholding the zero tolerance policy on piracy when the incident occurred at their theater in Rosemont, IL. The pirating of films is a very serious issue and we all need to remain vigilant to protect the art of film and the myriad of businesses that the film industry supports. We believe that the attention that this incident has drawn, has served as a reminder to us all that any form of film piracy, or perceived piracy, will be treated with the utmost seriousness. Summit is pleased that all charges against Ms. Tumpach have been dropped and appreciate the efforts of the police and the prosecutors in this outcome.(refraining from snarky comments)

Via Bella and Edward

- Lorabell *phew*
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