
Summit statement on Twi-fan piracy incident

Sat, 12/12/2009 - 01:24 | by twicrackaddicts

Click to lick abs!
I'm free! Free!!! Does jail make you sparkle? Because I'm fabulous!

As if we needed another reason to *LOVE* the Weitzmeister!

Wed, 09/12/2009 - 23:04 | by twicrackaddicts

Twilight fan, 22-year-old Samantha, was arrested last week and held in a cell for 2 days for allegedly trying to videotape New Moon.

Facing a 3 year jail sentence if convicted, Chris Weitz is coming to her rescue, telling the Sun Times:

Rob's UK GMTV Interview Online

Wed, 18/11/2009 - 22:57 | by

Rob was on the UK show GMTV yesterday, and an extended version of the interview is now up on their website. Go here to watch the interview, which is in two parts. It's pretty funny!

Thanks to Samantha for letting us know.

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