reviews New Moon

Thu, 19/11/2009 - 03:11 | by

Forget all those bad reviews because seriously I am starting to think they are done by people who either don’t care for the Twilight saga or are only criticizing what they want this movie to be like.

I was lucky enough to be one of the first people to see New Moon at a midnight showing over here in Australia. That is nearly 2 days before it comes out in the US. I thought that I would write a small review, without to many spoilers about what I thought of the movie from a fans perspective. I have never been really good at writing these types of things but I will give it my best shot. So here goes nothing:

Cast/Characters: You can tell in this film that the cast a now more comfortable with who they are playing. They have said it in interviews that they felt less pressure this time around as they knew they had fan support. This definitely shows in the movie.

Even though Edward is scarcely in this movie you don’t at all miss him. Taylor and Kristen do an awesome job of taking you mind of Edwards absense with the help of an excellent supporting cast. The wolf pack was a surprising favourite of mine, even though in the books I did not like them. The humans were also brilliant in their supporting roles. The Romeo and Juliet scene will give you a fit of the giggles while Jessica and Mike really shine in their respective scenes.

The Cullens though rarely there do have a presence that just wont go away. Bella’s constant emails to Alice keeps you in the loop of how she so desperately wants her best friend back and also gives you an insight to what Bella was thinking. Alice’s return and the stand off between her and Jacob got quite a few giggles and it sets up the scene perfectly for Eclipse.

The only group of characters I really didn’t feel were very strong in this movie were The Volturi. To me they are meant to have this presence about them that makes you fear them, that makes you remember who they are. To me they didn’t seem like that. Apart from a little scuffle that Edward gets himself into with Felix and Jane’s use of her powers they seemed more of a bunch of cats then tigers.

Special Effects: The wolves in this movie just blew me away. Chris did an excellent job on making them just how I imagined them. I even had a friend of mine say “I known they aren’t real but they are really freaking the crap out of me right now” To me they don’t look like CGI wolves, they look very real and very vicious. The whole cinema shook with just a growl or a foot hitting the ground.

The vampire movement are more defined in the flick and look less like they are making fools of themselves running. You can also love “sparkling” Edward without that annoying sound effect that was in Twilight.

Over All Thoughts: I would give this movie 9/10. I think from a fans perspective everyone will enjoy it. I admit somethings were cut and there were scenes that should have been added but I think everyone will be happy with the finished product. I feel that most of the bad reviews about this movie aren’t based on how much the fans will enjoy it. It was an enjoyable 2 and a bit hours for me, even though it didn’t feel like it and I am really considering going to see it at least 3-4 more times.


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