Jackson Rathbone was interviewed by MTV at the blue carpet of the 2010 Teen Choice Awards. In the interview, Jackson spoke about the critics slamming his Last Airbender director, M. Night Shyamalan.
Jackson Rathbone continues his promotional tour of The Last Airbender, this time joining his co-stars and director M. Night Shyamalan in Paris. The group participated in a photocall before attending a premiere planned later the day.
Here are some images of Bryce Dallas Howard and Xavier Samuel as they attended the Twilight Convention in Los Angeles. The actors talked about being new the franchise, playing their parts and filming with director David Slade. Bryce also answered questions about taking over Rachelle Lefevre and being a Twi-hard.
Aside from starring in the Third Twilight movie this summer, Jackson Rathbone is also part of director M. Night Shyamalan’s The Last Airbender. This is an adaptation of a popular Nickelodeon anime of the same name. Jackson is set to play Sokka, the older brother of Katara and a member of the Southern Water Tribe.
The Last Airbender Website has been updated with a promotional of Jackson as Sokka.