Rob Pattinson

Saturday Not-So-Random: More Delicious Details

We've gotten a peek at the cover and some of the pages for Rob Pattinson's Details magazine photoshoot. For those unfamiliar with the way Details does business. Their photographs tend to run to the erotic/suggestive (however very artsy). I'm posting the cover, but the rest are not appropriate for our PG-13 rule here. You can see the rest at Thinking of Rob, but please be warned that many of the images are not appropriate for work or for young children.

Xavier Samuel Talks Eclipse

// Xavier Samuel recently made an appearance on the Kyle and Jackie O show. While on, Xavier talked about auditioning in Sydney for Eclipse, whether girls are crazy for him yet and of course they started asking him a million questions on Rob Pattinson. Check out more below:

Rob Pattinson to Appear on Haiti Telethon

As rescue and recovery efforts continue in Haiti, more and more humanitarian aid is getting organized to assist the Haitian people in coping with this devestating tragedy. In case you've been living under a rock, Haiti was hit by a magnitude 7.0 earthquake last week.

Christina Ricci To Join Rob In Bel Ami

In a story from Production Weekly, they are reporting that Christina Ricci is teaming up with Rob Pattinson for Bel Ami.

Razzies for Rob and Kris?? No way!

OK, now before y'all go ballistic on this, keep in mind these are simply theories (read: opinions), and should not be taken seriously. I'm saying this cos I disagree with it, hence I call it a theory/opinion.

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