Nikki Reed attended the premiere of Red Riding Hood. The film is directed by Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke and stars Amanda Seyfried. Nikki will be joining the cast soon in Vancouver to continue shooting Breaking Dawn Part 1 & 2.
BEST MOVIEAlice In WonderlandAvatarHarry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceThe HangoverThe Twilight Saga: New Moon
Amanda Seyfried – Dear JohnEmma Watson – Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceKristen Stewart – The Twilight Saga: New MoonSandra Bullock – The Blind SideZoe Saldana – Avatar
As the movie release inches closer, we are getting more news about the third Twilight movie, Eclipse.Today, we have a new still from the movie featuring Bella and Jacob.
Speaking of Eclipse, Summit Entertainment is going to debut Eclipse’s brand new trailer in next week’s “Letters to Juliet”. The movie starts Amanda Seyfried and is going to hit theaters next week, May 14.
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