Jay Leno

Dakota Fanning in Jay Leno

Dakota Fanning was in Jay Leno tonight and she talked about school, driving, the Runaways and New Moon.

Eyes On Tay!!

On Jay Leno

Tay’s NM Premiere Interview


Taylor Lautner in Jay Leno

Taylor Lautner was in The Jay Leno Show last night where he talked about going to Europe to promote New Moon, bulking up for his role, the passionate Twilight fans, football and many more.

Taylor Lautner in Jay Leno

Taylor Lautner’s guesting at The Jay Leno Show was air tonight where he talked about bulking up for 30 lbs, his love for football and the crazy requests he gets from fans. Jay also surprised him with a surprise appearance of Jerry Rice and recalling his younger days.

It is New Moon Week!!!

This is it ladies and gentlemen! The final week of waiting! All reports coming in from those who haven gotten to screen early are positive. Tonight is the official premiere, and fans are lining up for blocks to get a chance to see the stars as they arrive tonight. This map was sent to me by my L.A. bestie to show just how long the line is.

Taylor Lautner to Present “New Moon” clip on Leno.


Taylor Lautner won’t just be bringing his six-pack abs to his appearance on “The Jay Leno Show” on Monday night.

Access Hollywood has learned that the “New Moon” star will have a never-before-seen clip from the upcoming film with him, as well.

The scene will also feature co-star Kristen Stewart in her role as Bella Swan – no word if Taylor, as Jacob Black, will have his shirt on or not.

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