
'Bree Tanner' set to be UK's best seller this year

Stephenie Meyer's publisher Publisher Little, Brown tells Deadline that Stephenie’s novella “for the fans” has sold 226,589 copies so far in the UK. Waterstones, the largest bookshop chain, expects it to be the biggest-selling book of the year.

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner set to become UK’s biggest -selling book of the year

According to Deadline Hollywood, The Short Second life of Bree Tanner is set to become this year’s best – seller.Publisher Little, Brown has sold 226, 589 copies so far in the UK. Waterstones, the largest bookshop chain, expects it to be the biggest -selling book of the year.

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner is now available for online reading

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner is now available for on-line reading. This opportunity is author Stephenie Meyer’s gift to her fans. You may be able to read the book starting today until midnight of July 5.

'Bree Tanner' novella out now

The much-awaited new novella from Stephenie Meyer is here!

The Second Short Life of Bree Tanner is all about Bree from Eclipse, and thanks to HGE, you can read an excerpt below after the jump!

Introducing: Bree Tanner

Summit Entertainment has updated Twilight’s official facebook page with a featurette on Bree Tanner. In this clip, Jodelle Ferland explains the character of Bree and how she is doomed as a character.

Meet Bree

A new behind the scenes look of Eclipse has been released this time focusing on new born Bree played by Jodelle Ferland. You can watch the clip below.

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