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Top Twilight News

Tough Times for One of our Own

We got a really sad e-mail from one of our long-time readers and commenters yesterday. Our dear Vermonstermom has been through a lot in the last couple of years, including the loss of her father after a battle with Alzheimer's, and the fact that she can still form coherent sentences is amazing. Another tragedy has struck her family and she gave us permission to post her story below. I'm inserting part of the background from her husband's Caringbridge site.


Preorder the Breaking Dawn 2013 Poster Calendar

Breaking Dawn 2013 Poster Calendar

We Came, We Saw, We Were Thwarted by Bad Hats.

Settle in and grab a glass of your favorite beverage, folks - this is going to be a long one!


The Last 100 Days (a week and a half late)

[Please excuse the lateness of this post... obviously I wrote it a while ago but am just now remembering to publish it!]

As of today, there are 100 91 days left until Breaking Dawn Part 2 is released.  O.O

Oh Mah Gah! Daddyward and other new BD2 pics

Each new picture that comes out gets me so excited! I can't wait!! 

Rob looking seriously schmexy in NYC at US Cosmopolis premiere!

Clicky for HQD-a-n-g.
Rob was in NYC last night for the US premiere of Cosmopolis and looking extra hot on the red carpet in his slick suit and hair!
He kinda reminds me of Jef from this past season of The Bachelorette - who I'm totally in love with - way to combine two hot, sweet guys :)

Me + Robert Pattinson. In a Room. It's ON.

Unlike many devoted Twitards out there, I have never actually had the good fortune to find myself in the presence of The Precious. And of course by "good fortune" I mean I have never camped out on a sidewalk for days in order  to possibly have the chance to get up-close and personal with Mr. Rumored-to-Smell-Like-Citrus-and-Tweed. I've never set-stalked him, I've never squealed at him at ComicCon, I've never gazed at him from a steel pen alongside a red carpet while waving a suggestive sign or a blow-up doll elephant.


The Twilight Saga: Alternate Ending?

This is one of those moments where my stomach kinda lurches, because... are you ready for this?  [Stephenie Meyer and] Melissa Rosenberg "dreamed up" a new ending for Breaking Dawn Part 2, and IT STUCK.

They've apparently changed the ending to the movie.  I'll give you a moment to digest that.

Ready for more fuel for your "grab your torch and pitchforks" fire?  EntertainmentWise says:

Robert Pattinson Speaks Out. Eventually.

Ugh, the scandal. The cheating. There is so much flying back and forth on the interwebs -- the accusations, the tears, the rumors, the rabid unicorns -- but Robert Pattinson has been pretty mum.

Until now, apparently. On August 13th, according to Gawker, he'll be appearing on a talk show to discuss... stuff. And not just any talk show - JON FUCKING STEWART.


This just in: Kristen Stewart drops out of new movie Cali... woah!

According to GossipCop:Kristen Stewart is dropping out of the upcoming movieCali, a source exclusively tells Gossip Cop.
We’ve reached out for a comment from the actress’ camp, but have not heard back.
Gossip Cop is told that Amber Heard has been asked to join the cast, although it’s not confirmed whether she’d be taking the part.
Heard’s rep would not comment.

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