Moviefone is asking for your questions.
Moviefone is going to interview the cast of Remember Me, the upcoming romantic drama starring Twilight’s Robert Pattinson. They will sat down with Rob, Emilie, Pierce Brosnan, Chris Cooper and director Allen Coulter where they would possibly be answering your questions.
First, enjoy Rob talking about filming in NYC ;) I know you will...
Second, to ask Rob, Emilie De Ravin, Pierce Brosnan or Chris Cooper your question about Remember Me, submit your question in the comments atMoviePhone*
Hm... Dear Rob, would you ever consider entering a World-Record Rubber-band Contest? Because those flexy bad-boy fingers were just made to win!
A new snippet from the film Remember Me has been released by Summit Entertainment. Entitled, “I’m Undecided”, this clip features the first meeting of Rob and Emilie’s character in a cafeteria.
In one of the red carpet premieres in the 2010 Sundance Film Festival, MTV caught upwith veteran actor Chris Cooper where he talked about his time filming the movie “Remember Me” with Robert Pattinson.
Summit Entertainment has released new stills from Rob’s upcoming movie, Remember Me. The movie will be released on March 12, 2010 and also stars Lost’s Emilie De Ravin, Pierce Brosnan and Chris Cooper.
Apple has debuted the official movie poster of Robert Pattinson’s upcoming movie, Remember Me. The film also stars Emilie de Ravin, Pierce Brosnan and Chris Cooper and will be released on March 12, 2010. Here is the official synopsis of the film:
With a few movies being lined up for 2010 release, Summit Entertainment has released the synopsisof some of the movies its going to release for 2010 – including the Twilight Saga: Eclipse and the Robert Pattinson starrer, Remember Me.