
Top 5 scenes people most look forward in New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn

MTV put together 5 scenes that people most look forward in New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.

Interview with Taylor and Kristen

MTV talked to Taylor and Kristen about New Moon, killer breakups and more.

Edi Gathegi Talks 'New Moon'

Edi Gathegi talked to Access Hollywood about the screening of 'New Moon' he saw with Stephenie Meyer.

MTV's TayStew Interview: Insights into key New Moon scenes

GAH! (p.s. I'm Team Edward)

MTV has a new interview with Kristen and Taylor up, where they talk about their characters, the scenes that they're eager for fans to see, and what parts were toughest to film. Here is an excerpt:

Breaking Dawn Rumors

Ok I really like this post that Twilight Lexicon had posted about all the rumors that was coming about with the last installment of the Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn.


Stephenie Meyer Day/Bella's Birthday in Forks

Here's some info on the upcoming Stephenie Meyer day in Forks, Washington.

Come to Forks and let fiction come to life!

Dazzled By Twilight To Sell Exclusive Edition Of Female Force: Stephenie Meyer

Bluewater Productions recently emailed me this press release -

"Bluewater Productions and Twilight-inspired retailer Dazzled by Twilight announced the production of an exclusive edition for the upcoming release of “Female Force Stephenie Meyer.”

New Moon Gossip - The Muffin Scene -

MTV spills all the fluffy details on the 'muffin scene' in New Moon -

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