
Defining New Moon: a review

Twilight Examiner has reviewed Brian Leaf’s Defining New Moon. This is a follow-up to his previous book, Defining Twilight which offers a vocabulary guide in taking entrance exams to universities/colleges.

Kristen: “I’m very protective and defensive of Bella”

Yesterday was another ‘New Moon’ promoting press conference also with Kristen in LA. Read bellow this the press conference’s transcript with questions for and answers from Kristen.

USA Today: Twilight Fans Swarm Volterra

USA Today has an article on Volterra's growing tourism industry due to the Twilight Saga:

Alexandra Patsavas on the music of Twilight

Music has always been an essential factor for Twilight, with the author Stephenie Meyer having been inspired to write the series while listening to some. Thus its no wonder that getting the right music for the films is also crucial. On hand for the job is Alexandra Patsavas, who has provided the perfect music for popular soaps in Hollywood such as the hit Gossip Girl.

Wandering through the town of Forks

The northwest town of Forks, Washington was a lumber jack town that was covered with green forest and beautiful landscapes of the Olympic Peninsula. Its a small town that is mainly dependent on its lumber industry until entered the Twilight zone.

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