
Submit your questions to Stephenie Meyer!

For 24 hours, the is accepting questions from fans to ask Stephenie Meyer. Stephenie will answer them on November 16, the day New Moon premieres. So click the link above and ask Stephenie your questions! You have to be a member though so sign up now!


5 Fun Facts You Didn't Know

MTV have posted "Five Fun Facts You Didn't Know" about 'New Moon'. They also have a funny clip with the Wolf Pack.

From a bruise-inducing scene to house construction, a pivotal pamphlet to a fake flight, read on to learn five things you don't know about "New Moon." Then keep checking back at daily from now until the movie opens, as we unveil in-depth interviews, clips and coverage of the latest installment in Meyer's screen saga.

Unofficial Stephenie Meyer autobiography to be published

Bookseller is reporting the JR books is publishing a biography of Twilight author Stephenie Meyer, which will coincide with the release of New Moon.

Stephenie, Michael and Ashley talk New Moon

By now you can see that Collider made a lot of interviews with everyone from New Moon movie on set. We already brought you more than 7 interviews, today Collider released also 3 new interviews, with Stephenie Meyer, Michael Sheen and Ashley Greene. Check the other two interviews after the jump!

Stephenie Meyer to be on Oprah!

Stephenie Meyer's website has been update with some exciting news!

Hi everybody!

I wanted to apprise you all of a few upcoming things.

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