Eyes of Amber

'Twilight' hand model 'wants to act'!

According to the New York Post 'Twilight' hand model Kimbrey Hickey wants some recognition for her contribution to the saga.

Ashley to auction off dress for charity

Per The Twilight Examiner - Ashley Greene is once more set to auction off one of her dresses for charity.

'Eclipse' continues to pull in at the 'Box Office'

Box Office Mojo is reporting that 'Eclipse' has taken in $300,412,216 domestically and $389,454,400 internationally. This gives the movie an overall take in of $689,866,616.

Jamie Campbell Bower 'Camelot' still!

EW has a sneak peek of Jamie Campbell Bower's portrayal of King Arthur in Starz's new series 'Camelot'. 

Possible new Isle Esme?

Alt Film Guide is reporting that is the small colonial town of Paraty [pronounced Pah-rah-CHEE], located 240 kilometers from Rio, along what some refer to as the Brazilian Riviera, is being scouted as a possible Isle Esme for 'Breaking Dawn'.  

Tinsel tweets and has movie in 'Shockerfest'

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Rachelle's new movie trailer!

I missed posting this at the time so apologies but here is the trailer for Rachelle's new movie 'Barney's Version'. Remember this was the movie that 'clashed' with 'Eclipse's' shooting schedule. Check out the synopsis and trailer below and let us know what you think!
"The picaresque and touching story of the politically incorrect, fully lived life of the impulsive, irascible and fearlessly blunt Barney Panofsky.'

New 'Breaking Dawn' cast members Tweet!

Two of the new 'Breaking Dawn' cast members are 'tweeters'! Mia Maestro (Carmen) and MyAnna Buring are both on twitter and join numerous other cast members who tweet. Follow Mia here (@miamaestro) and MyAnna here (@myannaburing)

New Bryce movie trailer!

The trailer for Bryce Dallas Howard's new movie, the Clint Eastwood directed 'Hereafter', has been released. Check out the movie synopsis and trailer below.

"A supernatural thriller centered on three people -- a blue-collar American, a French journalist and a London school boy -- who are touched by death in different ways."

IMDB Is listing Mackenzie as Renesmee!

IMDB is now listing Mackenzie Foy as Renesmee.

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